Primary science

Science Materials KS2
LO1: Can I investigate different insulators?
LO2: Can I measure temperature accurately using a thermometer?
Slides with lesson outline
comprehensive recording data sheet/investigation sheet
investigation slides
Data logger and line graphs slides
Used in Y5

Year 5 Filtering experiment plans and slides
use knowledge of solid, liquids and gases to decide how mixture might be separated, through filtering, evaporation and sieving
know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution LO: Can I use knowledge of solid, liquids and gases to decide how mixture might be separated
link back to nimblefingers story
filtering experiment - explain which variables need to be controlled and why
- Can make decisions about what observations to make.
- Can decide how to record our observations

Materials lesson resources
Spoon conduction experiment slides
Slides on changes of materials with learning objective and outline for lesson
Match up activity
Table for recording results

Science safety contract
science safety contract for children to sign at the beginning of the year
to be stuck into the front of their books and can then be referred to

Properties of Materials intro to topic and lesson 1 Year 5
Properties of Materials
Topic intro powerpoint
lesson plan
activity sheet
slides (powerpoint)

Earth and Space Lessons Year 5 Plans and Slides and Front Cover
The Big Picture Objectives Engagement Stickability
Describe the movement of earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. LO: I can discuss scientific ideas. Visual video opener.
True or false statements to explore misconceptions.
Child led plenary outlining what the chn want to learn about in the topic. Misconceptions clarified and child interested valued- highlighted to be used in future planning of the topic.
Year 5

Evolution and inheritance start of unit year 6
Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.
Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
Lesson (two lessons) on evolution. Suitable for Year 6.
Board Game
Notebook slides
LO: Can I review my knowledge of fossils?

Scientific enquiry infographic
Scientific enquiry infographic
outlines 6 types of scientific enquiry
great to go in books, also used for display